Stackless Python vs. Go

Note: I did a little more research and it turns out that the gc runtime creates one OS thread only, and then adds threads as a way to avoid I/O locks. On the other hand the gccgo runtime maps goroutines and p_threads on a 1 to 1 basis (as of now).

I have been lazily following the Go language project for a while now, when it
was suddenly discussed in this post of “Appunti Digitali” (in italian), that
pointed at this post
on Dalke Scientific.

It really got me that S.Python manages to beat Go so
badly, so I decided to run my own tests on my trusty old IBM X-41 (Pentium-M 1.5

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About ComboBox and Data binding (.NET, C#)

So, it seems like I am not able to post about anything else than IT! 🙂

Anyway, I had this strange problem with the ComboBox control of the .NET 2.0 framework (but I guess the problem would have been manifest with version 1.0/1.1 too):
I had some ComboBoxes that I had been binding to some DataTables generated as the result of some Stored Procedure calls on a DB server. Everything seemed to be working until I tried to set the ComboBox.SelectedValue property manually: disaster happened and nothing worked as it should have.

The reason for this strange behaviour was that I did not add the ComboBoxes to the form Control list BEFORE binding the source!
The worst thing of it all is that I have not been able to find any clue about the order in which these two operations whould be done on the MSDN, nor on various developer forums!

So rememeber:

  • First add the controls to your form
  • And only then you can correctly set the DataSource